Ram Dass

Creative Direction
Story Development

For the 50th anniversary of ‘Be Here Now by Ram Dass, we reimagined a modern translation of the seminal book through an animation film. 

Dubbed the “counterculture bible” by New York Times book critic Dwight Garner, ‘Be Here Now’ sold over two million copies sold and continues to serve as a beacon for spiritual seekers.

To reach a new audience, while keeping true to the book's teachings, we re-contextualized the story to reflect a modern day story through an animated film.  

With the support of the Ram Dass Foundation, we partnered with animation director and storyboard artist Chris Mauch to develop the story and visual style.

Chris Mauch was both the perfect visual and spiritual partner for this project, lending his animation expertise as well as a dedicated student of Buddhism. He’s written and co-Directed of A Force For Good, a film for New York Times science editor Daniel Goleman and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. He’s also worked on acclaimed films, as a storyboard artist for Darren Aronofsky’s Black Swan and The Fountain, well as Zach Braff’s Garden State.

Kenshō studio offers creative services to culture-makers, across art, music, film and philanthropy. 



Los Angeles, California


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